Report a concern

Compliance Reporting Portal

Have you experienced or witnessed any concerning situations or behaviors at Circet that violate our values or the law?  

Report it anonymously and in complete safety via our Compliance Reporting Portal, which is available in all of the languages spoken in the countries where Circet operates: Benelux, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Morocco, Spain, Switzerland, the United States and the United Kingdom. 

Any employee, customer or other stakeholder can anonymously submit a report of behaviors they believe are inappropriate, fraudulent, contrary to the public interest or against the law at Circet. 

Your identity will not be disclosed. Anyone who submits a report is entitled to the protection and confidentiality guaranteed by whistleblower legislation. 


Circet's integrity is in our hands. 

Access the Compliance Reporting Portal 

Anti-corruption Code of Conduct  

Circet and its subsidiaries around the world are committed to unwavering compliance with ethical behavior and integrity in all their activities. 

Our Anti-corruption Code of Conduct is available in all of the company languages except Romanian. We ensure that its principles are applied in all circumstances to guarantee transparency and trust in our professional and business relationships. 

Read Circet's Anti-Corruption Code of Conduct 


Please use the contact form for any business-related complaints.