Live up to our principles

Circet walks the talk on compliance.
We believe our success is built not only on the services we provide but also on the way we conduct our business. Integrity, transparency, and responsibility guide everything we do.
Fighting corruption is central to our ESG strategy, and we’re committed to integrating CSR throughout our entire ecosystem, including within our supply chain.
Discover how we put our principles into action.
In 2023, we continued our efforts and measures put in place throughout the company, in connection with the French Sapin 2 Act, to prevent corruption.
Circet General Counsel
Circet enforces company policies
and provides tools to ensure ethical behavior and accountability
Anti-Corruption Code of Conduct
Our comprehensive anti-corruption Code of Conduct, that applies to every Circet employee, clearly outlines acceptable and unacceptable behavior. This Code is translated into all company languages and is regularly distributed to our teams. It provides clear guidelines on how to report suspected corruption, as part of our zero-tolerance policy for unethical behavior.
Anonymous Reporting Platform
To create a safe space for reporting concerns, we’ve set up a confidential reporting platform accessible from all Circet websites. This platform allows anyone - employees, partners, and other stakeholders - to report inappropriate, fraudulent, or unlawful behavior anonymously and at any time. We take every report seriously and ensure that all concerns are addressed promptly and thoroughly.
Competition Law Compliance Guide
Circet is committed to being a trusted partner to all its stakeholders. Our Competition Law Compliance Guide outlines the anti-competitive practices employees must be aware of to ensure adherence to applicable regulations. This guide is essential in maintaining a fair and competitive business environment and protecting the integrity of our operations.